Thứ Ba, 20 tháng 8, 2013

Passion Fruit Drink


Passion fruit is an ovoid shape fruit which gives a juice with a very strong exotic flavor and a bright orange color, found in many tropical and sub-tropical countries. Passion fruit contains a lot of water and vital nutrients. Juicing the passion fruit helps to cool the body during summers and also provides us with healthful benefits. Make sure you wash your passion fruit before chopping and juicing as the skin is sometimes covered in an edible wax to prevent moisture loss. While the seeds are edible and nutritious, some people prefer not to eat them. To easily remove them, cut the passion fruit lengthwise and use the tip of a spoon to gently scoop them out. Passion fruit drink contains mineral salts that help achieve healthy skin, hair and nails. Passion fruit can give a juice recipe a refreshing, cool taste. It gives immediate relief when there is a burning sensation in the stomach.

How to select

The fruit will quickly turn from green to deep purple (or yellow) when ripe and then fall to the ground within a few days. They can either be picked when they change color or gathered from the ground each day. Avoid passion fruits that are dented, puffy, have sunken water-soaked areas, or are have soft spots.

Culinary Uses

" Passion fruit drink should be consumed within 15-20 minutes of extraction to prevent any oxidation and loss of nutrients
" The best way of having passion fruit drink is in its raw form, without any cooking or exposure to heat.
" They are used to flavor drinks, confectionery, icing, cakes and ice-cream.
" Cool down with a refreshing and fruity tropical orange and passion fruit soda or Start off the morning with something healthy and easy to prepare -- a tropical fruit juice with sliced passion fruit, honey and water.
" The passion fruit adds a tantalizing tropical tang to an otherwise humble dessert. Passion fruit drink cakes, puddings, soufflé , shortbread cookies are easy to make and economical.

How to store

Ideally the passion fruit drink should not be stored and consumed within minutes of its extraction. If you wish, you may though refrigerate it for some time and serve later. You may also freeze the juice in a freezer on an ice tray.

Health benefit

" Passion fruit drink is known for its various health benefits due to its rich constituents of Vitamin C, A, iron, and potassium
" The juice of passion fruit contain the alkaloids, including Harman, which has blood pressure lowering, sedative and antispasmodic action
" The passion fruit drink is a dependable laxative food. It supplies bulk to aid bowel action. Those who suffer from constipation can greatly benefit by taking this juice.
" The juice of passion fruit is a valuable food medicine in the treatment of hyperacidity, gastric and duodenal ulcers. It should be taken in doses of four to six ounces every two hours in such conditions.

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